The 5 Elements - Water

We are elemental beings. Made up of the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space.

These elements manifest in different proportions, and each has a vital role in our composition.

We are each born with a unique blend of these elements in our constitution. 

And like everything else, these are subject to fluctuate and shift depending on conditions and circumstances in life, and our environment. 

The elements all bring with them qualities or attributes that are positive and vital, but can also cause some issues and discomfort when out of balance.

Let's talk about the water element.

Water is soft. It is cool, smooth, and heavy. 

In the body, the water element nourishes and lubricates joints and tendons. 

It is present in the mouth and stomach, aiding in taste and the digestion of food. 

Water supports cerebrospinal fluid that flows in and around the brain and spinal cord, offering nutrients to the brain and spine. Water is also the source of the body’s cleansing and reproductive fluids. 

Water is vital to refresh, flush, cushion, hydrate, and create cohesion within the body.

You might notice the feeling of excess water in the body in the Spring, or on a particularly rainy day. This could show up as puffiness, feeling heavy in the body, or slightly sluggish.

A lack of water in the body becomes much more apparent.

Dryness in the eyes or mouth, dry skin, perhaps dryness in the digestive tract (which can manifest as constipation).

The soothing, refreshing, and calming qualities of water for me are experienced most easily during the Summer season,

On a particularly hot day to be in the presence of water becomes almost essential.

Think of swimming in the soft waters of a lake, plunging into the sea, dipping toes into a creek or stream. 

Even noticing moisture in the air, dew on the grass, or sitting beside water can offer a reset for the intensity of Summer.

On a subtler level, invoking the qualities of water can help to inform how we are with ourselves and how we navigate the rigors of life.

Where in your life might you explore opening to what is and letting go?

Where in your life might you soften in an effort to invite more ease and tranquility?

susan wrba

Susan Wrba is a Health and Wellness Coach, a 500-hour Kripalu yoga teacher, and a 500-hour Ayurvedic yoga teacher with over a decade of experience studying and working in the fields of yoga and wellness.

A dedicated practitioner, teacher, and mother, Susan integrates her knowledge and studies of yoga, Ayurveda, nutrition, and mindfulness into her guided experiences and classes. Her aim is to impart practical take-home wisdom to support students in their ongoing practice, growth, and evolution.

The 5 Elements - Fire


The 5 Elements - Earth