The 5 Elements - Earth

We are elemental beings. Made up of the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space.

These elements manifest in different proportions, and each has a vital role in our composition.

We are born with a unique and individual proportion of these elements in our constituiton. 

And like everything else, these are subject to flucturate and shift depending on conditions and circumstances in life, and our environment. 

The elements all bring with them qualities or attributes that are positive and vital, but can also cause some issues and discomfort when out of balance.

Let’s begin with the Earth Element.

Earth element is heavy, it is dense, it is stable and hard. 

It is the most gross of the elements (can see, touch, feel, rest upon it). 

It is responsible for form, structure, solidity, and density.

In our bodies, it is responsible for our mass: the hardness of the bones, and tissues of muscle and fat, as well as the organs of the body. 

The Earth element offers us resilience, immunity, endurance, strength, and a sense of being steadfast. Think of the people you know and love who are very grounded, stable, “a rock”, “a teddy bear”. 

There is a sense of sweetness with folks who have more Earth element present in their constitution.

When there is an excess of the Earth element leading to imbalance, there can be feelings of sluggishness, clinging or grasping, heaviness in the body, mind, or emotions. 

When there is lack of Earth element causing imbalance, we might feel ungrounded, anxious, scattered.

Notice your present state. 

Where do you feel the presence of Earth element in your body?

Are you aware of feeling heavy or light? 

Scattered or stable?

To invoke the qualities of Earth element, increase warm, cooked, nourishing food in the diet. Connect with Nature. 

Get your hands or feet in contact with the Earth. 

Simplify your schedule and establish a rountine you can rely upon for a few days.

When hoping to alleviate the influence of excess Earth element, introduce food and activites that encourage levity and mobility. 

You might wake a little earlier in the day (with the sun), and walk briskly.

Listen to music you love that brings you joy.

Enjoy freshly prepared food that makes you feel alive. 

There are endless ways to explore and experiment, be curious and enjoy!

Stay tuned for more on the Elements…


susan wrba

Susan Wrba is a Health and Wellness Coach, a 500-hour Kripalu yoga teacher, and a 500-hour Ayurvedic yoga teacher with over a decade of experience studying and working in the fields of yoga and wellness.

A dedicated practitioner, teacher, and mother, Susan integrates her knowledge and studies of yoga, Ayurveda, nutrition, and mindfulness into her guided experiences and classes. Her aim is to impart practical take-home wisdom to support students in their ongoing practice, growth, and evolution.

The 5 Elements - Water


The Big Burp