The Big Burp
There are many teachings from Ayurveda that have had a positive influence on my life.
This is one of my favorites.
The Big Burp.
According to Ayurveda, the quality of our digestion is integral to both health and disease in the body.
Simply put, if we are not eating good quality food, digesting and assimilating it well, we will get sick.
And if we are eating, digesting, and assimilating well, we will be in a good state of health.
There is MUCH to be said about what, where, when, how to eat from an Ayurvedic perspective, but this simple nugget is more centered around the ‘how much to eat” question.
In order for food to be properly digested, there needs to be room for it to move about. There also needs to be some liquid to help break down the food.
So the recommendation is to have 2 parts food, 1 part liquid, and 1 part space in the stomach at mealtimes. If you cup your hands together, about that much food.
I love the analogy of the washing machine. If we overfill, there is not enough room for things to churn about and get properly cleaned.
The food in the stomach needs space to churn about as well.
A magic trick of the body is that at a certain point during your meal, the stomach lets out some air to make space for more food.
This is The BIg Burp.
Some folks may experience it as a sigh, but both are pretty pronounced, especially when you start to key into it.
Now this doesn’t mean you cannot have even one more bite of your beautiful meal or something bad will happen.
It just means that if you stop eating close to the time of The Big Burp (or sigh), you won’t wind up with that over-full feeling.
You will also be lending your digestion a major helping hand.
Now, it's lunchtime!
Go enjoy.
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Can’t wait to see what stock image comes up for this one…