Tummy Troubles?

Gastrointestinal issues can be a real pain in the butt.

When stools are loose and watery, try this home remedy from Dr Vasant Lad’s, “Complete Book of Home Remedies”.

Peel, chop, and cook 1 or 2 apples until mushy.

This can take some time, low and slow is key, and add a little bit of water to the pan if you find the apples are sticking.

To the mushy apples add 1 teaspoon of ghee and a pinch of cardamom and nutmeg. Stir, and enjoy mindfully.

Apples eaten raw are a diuretic, wonderful in the Fall to reduce the accumulation of excess heat in the body, but in the event of excess heat manifesting as diarrhea, cooked apples are the way to go.

Cooked apples bind and are easy to digest. Cardamom and nutmeg improve digestive fire, and ghee is the magical vehicle that helps penetrate the tissues, and acts as a salve of sorts for the body.

This recipe can also be used with sliced banana at room temperature, topped with the ghee/spice mixture.

To stay hydrated, sip room temperature water mixed with 1 teaspoon of fresh squeezed lime, 1 teaspoon of natural sugar, and a pinch of salt.

A variation of this beverage is also helpful when nausea and vomiting are occurring (with baking soda added at the end).

Remember, food is medicine, and this too shall pass.

susan wrba

Susan Wrba is a Health and Wellness Coach, a 500-hour Kripalu yoga teacher, and a 500-hour Ayurvedic yoga teacher with over a decade of experience studying and working in the fields of yoga and wellness.

A dedicated practitioner, teacher, and mother, Susan integrates her knowledge and studies of yoga, Ayurveda, nutrition, and mindfulness into her guided experiences and classes. Her aim is to impart practical take-home wisdom to support students in their ongoing practice, growth, and evolution.


Spiced Quinoa Cream Breakfast


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