Nature is Medicine

Nature Is Medicine.

I am reminded of this everytime I walk in the woods.

It doesn’t have to be a long walk, a far walk, or an epic hike.

Simply to be in the presence of trees, mosses, stones, roots. 

To feel the texture of the ground under my feet, noticing how it changes time to time…

To breach the divide, and actually touch the spongy moss, rough bark, cool stone.

When did we stop touching these things that are so fascinating, and start thinking of them as dirty?

Children know. 

In the woods I can begin to unwind, forget my struggle, and shift my attention to remembering:

I love it here.

I belong here.

I am part of this.

I remember that I am small. 

Not insignificant. 

Struggling is real.

But when things feel overwhelming and hopeless, just being here, silently walking, slowly breathing, aware that I am seeing, I am, for a short time, consoled. 

Held by the wisdom of the forest. 

Resonant, and vaguely aware that I have been here before, was connected then, and could survive and withstand far worse. 

That I could thrive.

This is the medicine of Nature.

Universal Medicine.

susan wrba

Susan Wrba is a Health and Wellness Coach, a 500-hour Kripalu yoga teacher, and a 500-hour Ayurvedic yoga teacher with over a decade of experience studying and working in the fields of yoga and wellness.

A dedicated practitioner, teacher, and mother, Susan integrates her knowledge and studies of yoga, Ayurveda, nutrition, and mindfulness into her guided experiences and classes. Her aim is to impart practical take-home wisdom to support students in their ongoing practice, growth, and evolution.

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