“Today, I will take life easy.”

This is an invitation to do less.

We’re often looking outside of ourselves in order to feel better--things to do for the sake of self-care.

Do we really need yet another thing to do?!

I don’t know about you, but I feel like there is not enough time in the day to do all of the things, care for all of the people, make all the foods, and somehow do one. more. thing. to take care of myself.

What I am appreciating these days is the encouragement to do less. 

Rest, recover, be still, be quiet. 

Potent and profound, and can feel impossible.

My invitation to you is to rest when you are tired, don’t go to the thing when you don’t feel like going, if you have a quiet moment, do what you want, not what you think you should do.

In the wise words of the beloved Arnold Lobel character, Toad, “take life easy”.

And see how you feel.

For more support and encouragement to take good care, reach out for a free coaching consultation.

susan wrba

Susan Wrba is a Health and Wellness Coach, a 500-hour Kripalu yoga teacher, and a 500-hour Ayurvedic yoga teacher with over a decade of experience studying and working in the fields of yoga and wellness.

A dedicated practitioner, teacher, and mother, Susan integrates her knowledge and studies of yoga, Ayurveda, nutrition, and mindfulness into her guided experiences and classes. Her aim is to impart practical take-home wisdom to support students in their ongoing practice, growth, and evolution.


Fall Invitation


New Year, New Intentions