The Five Elements - Air
We are elemental beings. Made up of the five elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space.
These elements manifest in different proportions, and each has a vital role in our composition.
We are born with a unique blend of these elements in our constitution.
And like everything else, they fluctuate and change depending on conditions and circumstances in life and our environment.
The elements all bring with them qualities or attributes that are positive and vital, but can also cause some issues and discomfort when out of balance.
Let’s talk about Air Element
Air is the force that governs all movement inherent in the Universe--from the movements of the stars and planets, and the inherent rhythms of the Earth, to the fluctuations of thoughts, pulsations of blood pumping through the body, movement of food through the digestive tract, and the ever-present cycles of our breath.
Air or Wind element is subtle. It cannot be held, seen, or grasped.
We can only perceive the influence of air via the senses.
Air is also dry, light, cool in temperature, and rough.
We can feel the influence of Air element most predominantly in the Fall when the air is more dry, the winds pick up, and the temperatures cool.
The mobile quality of Air element also means it is the most volatile of the 5 elements--the one most subject to change, and create disturbance.
Our lives tend to already have a lot of mobility, with busy schedules, a fast pace, and the near constant stimulation of information coming at us in the digital realm.
This all adds to an increase of Air element.
Heading into this Fall season, where we know there will be an increase in Air element from the external environment, here are some practices to find balance.
Enjoy the foods abundant in the Fall, which are nourishing and grounding: squash, pumpkin, and root vegetables to name a few.
Apple crisp all day, every day.
Soups, stews, roasted everything.
Avoid cold, raw food, and dry crunchy foods (chips, crackers, popcorn).
Land in a routine that feels supportive and not overpacked.
Bundle up, snuggle up, and get ready to hunker down.